Quick Stats: Zimbabwe scrap metal imports

Zimbabwe scrap metal statistics

According to data reported in November 2020, Zimbabwe’s scrap metal industry has a monthly scrap metal shortfall of 17 000 tonnes. The scrap metal industry in the country demands a monthly supply of 27 000 tonnes which is currently not being met.

At the time of the release of the data in November 2020, the industry could only access 10 000 tonnes of scrap metal having to import the balance of 62%.

The Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) has been most vocal on the matter. Apparently, despite this sharp shortage of scrap metal locally, the government is reported to have been issuing scrap metal export permits forcing local companies to import even more scrap metal.

The CZI is at the forefront of lobbying government to suspend scrap metal exports in order to protect local scrap metal dependent businesses. Scrap metal is a critical input in some domestic manufacturing businesses.

Here is the summary of Zimbabwe scrap metal statistics (source):

  • Total requirements: 324 000 tonnes / year
  • Locally available scrap metal: 120 000 tonnes / year
  • Import requirements: 204 000 tonnes / year
  • Shortfall to be covered by imports: approx 62%